Our Girls

CH Aurigan Wolfrun Brandywine, ROMs
Ch C-Myste There and Back Again x Ch Shadowalk PV Ellusion
Brandy wasis Wolfrun’s foundation bitch, and a Bilbo daughter. She produced 6 Champions between her litters. She is now living the life of a retired, beloved pet in Washington state.


CH Wolfrun River Nymph
Ch Windermere’s Solo Rendition CD NAP VC x Ch Aurigan Wolfrun Brandywine, ROMs
Out of Brandy’s first litter, Styx lived up to everything Louise hoped for. She whelped a litter sired by Carbon in 2006 and she loved motherhood dearly.


CH C-Myste Baledwr Mirrhi
Ch Shadowalk Trademark x Ch Mariel Reese’s Alice Springs, ROMs
Mirrhi was sadly lost to a run-in with a car on her seventh birthday in January 2013. We miss her more than we can say.